We have great news! By the decision of the Board of the Central Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it was decided to create a committee for Construction and Innovation in the construction industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. I was asked to become the Chairman of the committee. Today we held our first organizational meeting with experts in various fields of construction and representatives of science. We identified the directions and tasks that need to be solved yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The main direction is the creation of a construction cluster of wooden one-story housing construction. The first results will be available in November. Our company has experience in creating a mini-cluster for the construction of a frame house of 100 m² — construction period is 2.5 months. From the pile foundation to the closure of the external contour — with elements of interior decoration. REAL — A HOUSE IN 3 MONTHS. Come — LET’S SHOW! Your request and your desires in a short time.


II Youth Forum of Indigenous Peoples of the North

Study of the roof installation project before meeting with the client

Meeting at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mongolia and the Krasnoyarsk

Yantai Federation of Industry

International Forum of Associations and Consortiums of the Northern Territories

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