They took part on April 20-22 at the Tomsk State University in the International Forum of Associations and Consortiums of the Northern Territories. Its participants will be representatives of scientific associations and communities of the Arctic orientation, representatives of the administration of the Tomsk region, other northern territories, as well as the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North and the Far East, industrial partner enterprises.

Мы Резиденты Сколково
Производственно-Технологическая Компания «ТЕХНО-ГИБ» получила статус «Резидент Сколково».

Получили патент Мадридской системы товарных знаков
Мадридская система — международная система товарных знаков
Заявление о положениях, потенциально применимых...

Итоги 2023 года
В этом году Мы задали очень динамичный с высокими результатами темп развития для Нашей компании ООО «ПТК ТЕХНО-ГИБ»

Issue of a patent for the “Yar-panel” model
On 10/03/2023, the company PTK Techno-Gib LLC received a patent for the utility model “Yar-panel”. For us, this...

II Youth Forum of Indigenous Peoples of the North
Today we visited the II Youth Forum of Indigenous Peoples of the North

Study of the roof installation project before meeting with the client
Working moments — roof installation project

Meeting at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mongolia and the Krasnoyarsk
As part of an official visit to Krasnoyarsk, a meeting was held at the Central Council of the Chamber of Commerce and...